Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A little bit about my other half =)

So with slightly less than 2 months left before the wedding, we have the majority of things done, or in the process of being done. Yaaay! My lovely ladies helped put together some of the decorations here recently, and we have printed the invitations, so those should be getting sent out before too awful long.

I figured I'd take a break from wedding plans to talk about my wonderful fiancé, Zach.
Look at those irresistible toes!
Zach and I have been dating for about 2 years now. And as cheesy as it sounds, these past 2 years have definitely been some of the happiest I've ever had. Zach always keeps me accountable in my walk with God, and has such a strong faith himself. I am truly blessed to be with such a great guy who makes me laugh, smile, feel pretty, and puts up with my Honeybadger of a dog, Chiquita.
My dog when she wakes up in the morning.
We always enjoy each others company, love taking goofy pictures together, and are thrilled to share our "mutual weirdness."
 To show my appreciation and reciprocate Zach's love for me, I vow to be a Proverbs 31 wife, a great cook, and a beast at shooting a 1022 rifle. Now that everyone is rolling their eyes and gagging, I'll just end this post by adding a small tidbit of truth that I always find to be comforting: God knows what He's doing and always knows what's best for you. =)
Chiquita don't care.Chiquita doesn't give a sniff.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Possibly a nugget of useful wedding information

So with about 80ish days left til the wedding, things are starting to get pretty stressful. We have a lot to get done and not a lot of free time to do it all. There's also a ton of things that people do traditionally for weddings that I never thought were that important that most everyone else seems to think are, in fact, life or death decisions. Personally, I hate spending money, especially for things that I don't think are very useful or for things that I deem unnecessary. So, with that in mind, I figured I'd share what little wedding knowledge I have learned so far, rather than posting another incredibly sarcastic and witty post.

1.   It is YOUR wedding! It's supposed to be fun! It's a celebration, NOT a performance! A couple other young couples who recently got married told us "Don't sweat the details!" And I'm beginning to see that they were totally right.

2.   Velociraptors are a no-go at a reception party. Sure, they are great with the kids, but ultimately, somebody's chocolate bar is going to be eaten (along with whatever hand happened to be holding said chocolate bar) and then all heck will break loose.
They are great to watch at bicycle races, however.
3.   Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT need to sell your kidneys and take out a second mortgage on your house to pay for a wedding! Apparently the average wedding cost today is around $26,000 dollars (according to most google articles and those funny pinterest ones) Like #1 said, it's a celebration; you're not trying to impress anyone. You're there to unite with your Love and best friend, and that is the most important part.

4.   If there's something you REALLY just can't do without at your wedding, just do it! (Unless of course it involves velociraptors or kidney selling) You only get married once (well, usually) and you should definitely make it your special day.

5.   Listen to other people's advice!! Even if you don't think you will like other wedding ideas because you already have everything laid out in your head, other people, like family and close friends who know you well, will also have cute ideas and a few of them have had weddings or gone to weddings themselves and will have a lot of great input.

6.   Don't be a bridezilla! Godzilla don't want none of that.

Homie don't play that

Saturday, October 6, 2012

T-minus 3 months!

So as of yesterday, we had exactly 3 months until our wedding day! Which means now we have a little less than 3 months, and we still have quite a bit to get done! We mostly have the big things done, and just recently purchased Zach's wedding band.

Zach's actual wedding band. While I tried to convince him to get the red, cherry flavored one, he wanted to be a little more traditional and go for the yellow "gold" approach
We have attended 2 pre-marital counseling sessions so far, with Mike who will be the pastor at our wedding. He's a pretty nice guy, and doesn't mind all of mine and Zach's goofiness. We do a lot of talking about how we would handle issues that may arise in the future, like how to discipline our children. While neither one of us figured selling our children to the circus whenever they don't do the dishes is a good idea, Zach did mention that 'death' may come to any of those young boys who decide to try and date our daughter.
Zach's exact words whenever our daughter is expecting a date.
Also, the honeymoon to Cancun cannot get here fast enough. Apparently summer decided to peace out and "Fall" (or as I'd like to call it "Sadness And The Death Of All Things") has arrived, bringing super cold weather today. Which is why I'm hibernating in the apartment and counting down the days til it's warm again.
How it feels outside currently.
Next up we will be printing out our wedding invitations, and sending them out sometime next month, most likely. Also we will be putting together the centerpieces for the reception tables and getting a couple other things in order. Before we know it, it'll be January! =)

Tip of the day: To avoid the unpleasantness of Fall, I suggest holing up in your houses and apartments with the heater blasting, having plenty of food stocked up, have a few random individual 'dance parties' while jamming out to rad music, and not sticking your tongue on any frozen poles if you do happen to wander outside.
Don't let this be you, kids.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Less than 5 months now!!

So, things get a little hectic and I haven't had time to update everyone in a while on all the wedding planning details, (since I'm so sure there are thousands of you out there sitting on the edge of your seats biting your nails and wondering if I've chosen cream cheese or vanilla frosting for our wedding cake.) so I thought I'd share the few exciting details that have happened recently. We have the tuxes we wanted picked out and an account made for Zach, his groomsmen, and my dad (whom I've never seen in a tux or suit) and I can't wait to see how "prance-some" he looks in one. *((Disclaimer: As a small child I thought "prance-some = "handsome"))* The tuxes are a light grey with a little jazz of navy/yellow going on.

We also have all the flowers for the wedding flower decorations/bouquets, and for waaaay less than I thought they'd cost! Special thanks to Lindsey, Rachel, and Saxon!!! They are my super awesome and helpful wedding planners!! =)

Also, Zach has his new apartment now, which will be our apartment in January, which is pretty exciting. We spent a long time cleaning it, (along with the help of Zach's awesome padres) and we can't wait til we can slide around on the wood floors in our socks.
And we'll look a lot cooler than Tom Cruise in his tidy-whitey's, and a lot less crazy.

Random semi-sad sidenote, one of the prongs on my engagement ring broke for no apparent reason, and is going to take 2 weeks to fix. =( My poor finger feels naked and dejected.
How my finger feels currently.

Next on the list of Important Things To Do: Finalize the wedding guest list, set up marriage counseling sessions, and finalize our invitation blueprints.
Our marriage counseling sessions will only end this way if there isn't any chocolate involved.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Checking things off the wedding list!

So, some exciting news!

  1.  We now have a reception place, only a couple miles from the church, and we gonna be shakin' our tail feathers all afternoon!
  2. I found my heels I am going to wear for the ceremony, and for only $20! The best thing about them, other than the fact that they're comfy, is that I can wear them afterwards, so definitely a good investment.
  3. And the biggest announcement... drum-roll please...  I bought my wedding dress!!!!!!! I should have the first set of alterations done by August 3rd, then any tweaking that needs to be done. It should look super cute, and it was a reeeeally good price. =)
One of the next things that we should probably get done fairly soonish is pick the tuxes out. I've been looking around and came up with one I like, here's a picture of it:
 Although I think the cane is a little too much, the outfit has so much class and just exudes Zach's personality.

Lol jk, it's going to be light grey, not green.

Moving on, in amongst the smaller details of little things that "don't matter a whole lot but usually end up being cute", I have most all the materials for the wedding favors, which I'm keeping classified as top secret information. Another small detail that's randomly come up is the small matter of what to do for our "grand exit" whenever we leave the reception. Most people now throw birdseed, on account of all the poor, innocent birds that choked on rice thrown at weddings for however many years.
 Let's all take a moment of silence out of respect for these poor innocent birds.

Another idea I got from the internet was in the form of a chart, which as you all know by now, I am going to share with you. 

I'm still pondering it, but leaning towards the Kraken.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Say "What the heck?!" to the dress

Previously mentioned bestie Saxon, along with both of our madres, went out in search of a perfect wedding dress... After hiking through treacherous mountains of white satin and lace, and fending off hoards of wedding-crazed ladies also seeking the "perfect dress" (which I'm not sure actually exists) and slaying fire breathing dragons, we finally came to the conclusion that we are too picky and the cutest dresses we could find are waaay out of the price range that a seemingly normal, sane, individual would consider paying. A little discouraging, but hey, this was only our first time out looking, so maybe something will catch our eye.
According to traditional "wedding laws" I can't legally release to you the evidence of us trying on dresses, even though said pictures are cute, and show how adorable the dresses were. I can, however, share with you an extremely cropped photo sharing only our equally adorable faces:
We're also holding AK47's, but wedding laws prohibit us from showing those off as well.

In addition, getting to see the padres this weekend was really nice! =)

Also, this happened this weekend, it was pretty intense:
Zach defends his parents backyard with a tennis racket, while staring defiantly into the eyes of the wasp who dared enter his realm.

Plans to finalize honeymoon plans somewhere in Mexico are being planned, so hopefully that will plan out soon. Lots of plans going on, it seems. We're hoping to snorkel, hopefully with cute dolphins, sharks, and manta rays. Also, I know Zach is really hoping Chiquita can go, I think I found her an outfit:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Getting started

Greetings fellow carbon based life forms!

Thanks to an awesome Bestie and a boring episode of MasterChef, I was able to figure out how to start/post a blog. (Btw, why is it called a "blog"? Seriously, it sounds like some sort of creature that would crawl out of a swamp and make hideous moaning noises.) Moving on... Soo I became engaged recently to the love of my life, Zachary 'Danger' Dunn (whom I affectionately refer to as my "Dimples") and we're currently planning our wedding, which will be on January 5th, 2013, or as we like to refer to it, A-Really-Long-Dang-Time-From-Now.

So, wedding ideas.
  • Sunflowers
  • Navy Blue, Yellow, & Gray
  • Super cute Groom (Not that I'm biased or anything ;) )
  • Awesome Bestie, Saxon and awesome new sister Rachel (who also doubles as our wedding manager...And bodyguard... Lol jk. But really...)
Aaaand that's about all that's set in stone for now.

Although we are tossing around the idea of heading to Mexico, becoming the best looking Banditos out there (cue dramatic scene flashbacks from Once Upon a Time in Mexico) and riding off into the sunset on dolphins, we would like there to be sunflowers involved, so it looks like Oklahoma will have to do for the actual ceremony.

Also, this weekend, heading to look at dresses with the Bestie, and her madre, along with my madre and soon to be madre-in-law. I'd also take Chiquita, my dog, but she prefers gold plated diamond dresses only, so she'll have to sit this one out. Here's a cute picture of her:

Want to hear a joke about Potassium?
