Sunday, October 14, 2012

Possibly a nugget of useful wedding information

So with about 80ish days left til the wedding, things are starting to get pretty stressful. We have a lot to get done and not a lot of free time to do it all. There's also a ton of things that people do traditionally for weddings that I never thought were that important that most everyone else seems to think are, in fact, life or death decisions. Personally, I hate spending money, especially for things that I don't think are very useful or for things that I deem unnecessary. So, with that in mind, I figured I'd share what little wedding knowledge I have learned so far, rather than posting another incredibly sarcastic and witty post.

1.   It is YOUR wedding! It's supposed to be fun! It's a celebration, NOT a performance! A couple other young couples who recently got married told us "Don't sweat the details!" And I'm beginning to see that they were totally right.

2.   Velociraptors are a no-go at a reception party. Sure, they are great with the kids, but ultimately, somebody's chocolate bar is going to be eaten (along with whatever hand happened to be holding said chocolate bar) and then all heck will break loose.
They are great to watch at bicycle races, however.
3.   Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT need to sell your kidneys and take out a second mortgage on your house to pay for a wedding! Apparently the average wedding cost today is around $26,000 dollars (according to most google articles and those funny pinterest ones) Like #1 said, it's a celebration; you're not trying to impress anyone. You're there to unite with your Love and best friend, and that is the most important part.

4.   If there's something you REALLY just can't do without at your wedding, just do it! (Unless of course it involves velociraptors or kidney selling) You only get married once (well, usually) and you should definitely make it your special day.

5.   Listen to other people's advice!! Even if you don't think you will like other wedding ideas because you already have everything laid out in your head, other people, like family and close friends who know you well, will also have cute ideas and a few of them have had weddings or gone to weddings themselves and will have a lot of great input.

6.   Don't be a bridezilla! Godzilla don't want none of that.

Homie don't play that

1 comment:

  1. Deana, your updates make me laugh...these pictures are ridiculous lol Coongrats on being so close! I know this is getting to be a bit of a stressful time but make sure you enjoy it too :)

    Someone recently nominated me for a blog award, basically it's another way to promote your blog, so anyway I've nominated you next:

    If you're up for it, do it. If not, I won't be offended. It took a lot longer than I thought!
